NSW Cancer council: Hollywood movies glamorise smoking

21 05 2010

NSW Cancer Council Tobacco Control Project Officer Greg Soulos said that Hollywoods’ movies had glamorised smoking and therefore had promoted smoking to many generations.

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Fashionistas feeling technical

21 05 2010

Oscar Wilde once said that “A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are compelled to alter it every six months.” The continuous renewal of trends and constant need to keep up with the mode has left fashionistas flaunting the future.

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Reality check: Is reality TV entertaining or insulting?

21 05 2010

The success of MTVs new reality show ‘Jersey Shore’ has sparked debate about the quality of reality TV with critics calling it ‘insulting’. Yet fans can’t get enough of it.

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Monash Expert: pop music is similar to “junk food” and is influencing Generation Y

21 05 2010

Monash University cultural studies associate professor Millicent Vladiv-Glover believed pop music was similar to  junk food because it was “bad poetry, bad rhythm, pretension to be illiteracy” and she pointed out that pop music would affect those generation Y who had not developed critical thinking skill.

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Vintage is back in vogue

20 05 2010

A resurgence in popularity of 80s fashion for the 2010 winter season has sparked renewed interest in vintage fashion as shoppers opt for unique and original looks.

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The fashion formula for young designers

20 05 2010

The key formula to Fashion success= Finesse+ Flair. All these ingredients are the necessary criteria for helping a young designer to the top of the competitive industry. But it is not always this simple.

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Sex and the City 2 Trailer

2 05 2010

Hey Guys check out the trailer for SATC2 – the film that will decide what will be hot for the next few seasons!!!!

LMFF- Runway Six Fashion Show

24 03 2010


Hi all,

Just thought I would give a brief update on the L’Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival last week. I was captured by the ‘Runway Six’ show held at the docklands. It truly portrayed originality and mystique, with designers Alpha 60, Nom*d, S!X, Zambesi, Limedrop, Jack London and TV displaying the new season ahead. I was inspired by the work of Limedrop and TV, revealing hints of colour, summery blends and chic designs. (This was different for the Autumn/Winter collection). There were several references to Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A clockwork Orange’. Many were left confused, others lost…some in awe…all adding to the mystery that surrounds the world of fashion!

Have a look at the article attached, and let us know your thoughts! 

Twilight Eclipse Trailers

24 03 2010

Twilight Eclipse is coming on 30/6/2010!

Please have a look on the videos and feel free to leave your comments!

Lady Gaga Concert

24 03 2010

Hey guys! I was lucky enough to go to the Lady Gaga concert last night and experienced the dawn of a new pop era. Gone are the days of lipsyncing or song after song sets, Lady Gaga introduced her fans to an entertaining and theatrical performance. Her voice was incredible, her concept so original, her costumes were works of art and the music was amazing!

Drop us a comment if you went to her show – we’d love to hear your thoughts!